
Performance Testing

Ensure improved user experience with stable,
scalable, and responsive applications.

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Performance Testing

Ensure improved user experience with stable,
scalable, and responsive applications.


Applications fail to meet the required outcomes and customer expectations when performance testing is not an integral part of the overall development lifecycle. We, at Intelliswift, provide services right from the design stage and make it an iterative process, so that the product is continuously improved upon while in development itself.

We ensure that the application is responsive and reliable to respond to peak loads and is aligned to future releases, regulatory changes, and ongoing business growth. We also ensure that the applications can meet any contractual obligations and SLAs for performance.

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Key areas of focus

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Does the application respond quickly enough for the intended users?

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Will the application handle the expected user load and beyond?

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Is the application stable under expected and unexpected user loads?

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Are you sure that users will have a positive experience on go-live day?

Performance Testing

Load/Benchmark Testing

  • Perform Under Anticipated Load
  • Compare with earlier version of SW/HW or competitor analysis
  • Simulate real life usage pattern.
  • Measure performance of Application under statistically representative load.
  • Perform on UI/API/Mobile

Stress/Fatigue Testing

  • Perform Under Extreme Load with Minimum Hardware/Requirement Support.
  • Check the Environment stability
  • To check response time is degraded, data is corrupted, security vulnerability is open or not, Check transaction loss after system fails.
  • Perform on UI/API/Mobile

Endurance/Sock Testing

  • Perform with expected load over long period of time
  • Helps to check for memory leaks
  • Perform on UI/API

Scale/Elasticity Testing

  • Scale up/down as per the load
  • Indicate threshold for upgrade requirements
  • Measures peak load an application can handle without degrading the performance
  • Perform on API/UI

Volume/Flood Testing

  • Large No. of Data Testing
  • Measures application, middleware, DB performance when data volume is high
  • Batch/ETL/Data Analytics/Bulk Email

Our Approach


Iterative & Multiple Runs

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Key Metrices (Indicative Sample Set)


Response Time

Total time to send the request and get the response.


Request per seconds

How many requests are handled.


Average Load Time

The average amount of time it takes to deliver every requests.


Peak Response Time

Measurement of the longest amount of time it takes to fulfill a requests.


CPU Utilization

How much time the CPU needs to process the requests.


Memory Utilization

How much memory is needed to process the requests.


Wait Time/Average latency

It informs the developers about the time it takes to receive the first byte after the request is sent.


Transaction Passed/Failed

Measure the total number of successful and Unsuccessful requests.



Measured by Kilobyte per seconds, It shows the amount of bandwidth used during the test.


Error Rate

This calculation is percentage of request resulting in errors compared to all requests.


Concurrent User/Load Size

This is the most common measurement of the load and number of active users at any point.

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