
Customer Job

Applied Scientist II

Job ID: 23-02799
Applied scientists are specialists with deep expertise in areas such as machine learning, speech recognition, natural language processing, computer vision, knowledge acquisition, etc.
They apply scientific principles in their area of expertise and related fields to:
(a) assess the feasibility and timeline of new initiatives requiring significant inventions, and
(b) develop new algorithms or enhance existing algorithms for significantly improving the customer experience/impact. They are externally aware of the state-of-the-art in their respective field of expertise

Python: required, - Experience: 4-6 years
PL/SQL  -  Experience - 4 - 6 Years 
JavaScript - Experience -  2 - 4 Years 

How many years of experience do you require or prefer?
-3-5 years
-supervised vs nonsupervised machine learning
-the balance between depth and breadth
-predictive modeling
What degrees, certifications, and skills do you require or prefer?
-master degree

What qualifications would a candidate possess that would make them the best vs an average candidate?
-AWS experience
-Linux experience
-NLP experience


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